Guest WiFi Management System
Guest WiFi Management System
Guest WiFi Management System

Today’s travellers demand excellent WiFi during their stay at every hotel. Whilst many properties provide good signal strength, the user journey to access WiFi can often be cumbersome and frustrating.
TigerTMS offers two versions of its market leading WiFi Access and Management solution designed to provide quick, easy, and user-friendly access for guests. Whilst at the same time, providing you with the opportunity to promote revenue generating hotel services such as Spa or Restaurant offerings.
Key Features
There are a whole host of features that enhance the way you provide internet services to your guests:
- Intelligent distribution of bandwidth across your entire property, guaranteeing bandwidth per user
- Customisable log-in page compatible for all devices a guest might bring – laptop, tablets, notebooks etc
- Easy access for guest login by scanning a QR Code and ‘remember me’ feature for automatic login on devices already registered
- Allows concurrent login of multiple devices with the same login details
- Ability to redirect guests to offers, survey pages, restaurant information, loyalty programs, or any other information you wish to promote about your hotel
- Multi-lingual facility that recognises the preferred language of the end device – automatically
- Predefined Terms and Conditions in multiple languages
- Calculates Individual’s use capturing time, date, data volume, bandwidth etc, for billing purposes, or offer WiFi for free
- Support package updates to keep the system up to date and safe from potential threats
iSurfPro offers additional features:
- Available on premise with optional connectivity to a cloud management system
- Endorsed by numerous global hotel chains
- Manages the guest network connectivity while the cloud management system is used as reporting and management engine or tool
- Room based licences – no limit on number of devices a guest connects
Both solutions deliver a seamless user experience, whilst addressing access rights; controls the flow
of traffic (guaranteeing bandwidth per user); and provides a secure and visually appealing log-in.
Using the power of iLink – a broader range of PMS systems can be integrated into iSurf and iSurfPro. iLink allows your hotel to authenticate your guests and control your bandwidth usage.
iLink’s integration to a wider range of PMS systems also supports Charges and Billing – by capturing data usage information, you can calculate charges, or you can offer Wi-Fi for free.
iLink offers a Dashboard to give an at a glance view of Wi-Fi charges, and the option to download a full ancillary report.